Conference Abstracts
- "Historical Memory and Imagined Communities: Modern Ibadi Writings on Kharijism" - Valerie J. Hoffman - Dpt. of Religion University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A.
- "Ibadhism and the Omani Nation-Building Project since 1970" - Marc Valeriiais - University of Exeter, UK
- "Islam and the Culture of the State in Oman" - Prof. Fotini Tsibiridou - Macedonia University, Thessaloniki
- "The Letters of Jābir bin Zayd (d.93H)" - Mohamed Said Al-Mamari - Sultanate of Oman
- "Abd Allåh b. Yazd al-Fazår" - Willy Ferdinand Wilferd Madelung - Institute of Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
- "Study-Groups and the Practice of Ibadism in an Omani Town" - Mandana E. Limbert - Associate Professor Department of History North Carolina State University
- "A reconsideration of Ibâdi origins" - J.C.Wilkinson - MA, D.Phil, D Litt; Emeritus Fellow, St Hugh’s College Oxford
- "Constructing an Identity: The Development of The Ibadi Law" - Ersilia Francesca - University of Naples "L’Orientale"
- "Ethnoarchaeological Research in the Sultanate of Oman (Ras al- Hadd)" - Dr. Nikolaos Efstratiou - Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology University of Thessaloniki
- "The Modern Face of Ibadhism in Oman" - Dale F. Eickelman - Dartmouth College, USA